Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012


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            We know drugs is enemy together for every nation in the world,is not only in Indonesia.Because we know,the negative impact of drugs is very big ,that is can damaged the next generation of nation.Because of that,drugs can be said is enemy together to whole of the world.

            The cases drugs in Indonesia is very worried,almost everday we hear many news about cases arrested of drugs dealer,cariers who is sending drugs for distribution to user,or also the users is arrested to using drugs.

            Even is more worried in Indonesia is one of way of world drugs trading and also one of the biggest drugs user in the world.Many drugs is came in Indonesia is taking with  many way from hidding in the baggage,swallowed,etc.The meaning for unknowing by imigration.

            The danger of drugs for Indonesian people is very big,because drugs can make the next generation of Indonesian people become damaged.Because of that ,we as Indonesian people must be have the strong will for muzzle drugs.Because we don’t want see teh next generation of Indonesian people many using drugs,which we know can make bring negative impact not  to produce the positive impact.

         The goverment also don’t close the eyes,with many cases drugs in Indonesia.The goverment must be become the frontal to muzzle the drugs in Indonesia,should be to meaning for save our next generation of nation.

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Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

What Is The Wrong Of The Law In Indonesia

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 In the last,we hear many cases law in Indonesia.Begin from  robbery cases,corruption cases, killing cases,etc.So what is  the wrong of the law in Indonesia .Is the law system in Indonesia or the process the law in Indonesia is wrong?????.

If i think the wrong  with the law in Indonesia is not from the system but from the process.Because i think,the system of the law in Indonesia is correct,only sometime the process is wrong.
Example: We compare in the punishment who get from somebody who steal of sandals with the punishment who get from somebody who corrupt money goverment billion rupiah.So very different,the punishment  who get from somebody who steal of sandals can get until many month but the punishment who get from somebody who corrupt money goverment until billion rupiah only being punished until 1 – 4 years.

What happen with the law in Indonesia ????? Why become unjustice in the process of the law in Indonesia is in the process of the law in Indonesia created the mafia of justice,so created unjustice in the process of the law in Indonesia .Or created intervention by the functionaris of goverment,so many cases of the law in Indonesia is stoped in the middle of the way or also unjustice in the given of the punishment in the court.

Now is time for goverment begin action to corrected the law in Indonesia.Well that is from the system or from the process,so the law in indonesia can be better,in the next can be obtain the justice for the all of people in Indonesia.
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