Rabu, 04 April 2012


I think,plagiarism that is action how agains a law which is copied or take another person copy right and to recognized as our copy right.Can be reading,drawing,music,etc.

I think,plagiarism in the academic culture is very worried,also with the progress of technology right now we can copied the copy right of another person as easy without knowing a person make it,and without make resource and qoutes.

Plagiarism in the academic culture usually by doing when we have a task and that task can not we do or we are lazy to do that task.Than with instanly we take another person copy right,can be taken by internet or books without writing resource and he think that’s our copy right.

I think,that not plagiarism is another person copy right who we take,than we make another resource and quotes.And i prefer plagiarism how make development with our thinking.So the another person copy right is only for refrence and we can develop with our thinking,without copied another person copy right.

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