I think,we must consider as long as improve the technology right now can bring us to positive effect or negative effect for cultural in indonesia.Effect from the improve of technology for improvement of cultural in indonesia can we see from example we can do everyday.
A.The Positive Effect from the improvement of technology for our cultural
Internet can bring us to the positive effect for our cultural.The positive effect from internet is with internet we can get find all information that we want and with internet we can know all information what is the news from inside or outside.Than we can know our cultural or other cultural from internet,who can get our knowledge of our cultural,and than we can not become people of lossing of information.With internet we can get communicated with the another person the close person or far person.not same with people who live long time ago using letter for communication who sent with post who take a long time to get.
B.The Negative Effect from the Improvement of technology for our cultural
There is a positive effect and also we have the negative effect.The negative effect of internet is we can see from internet site who can be layed to see such as the pornography site.Very easy to access internet,so many use for badly several people for open the pornography sites.The negative effect of that site is can bring us to destruction.The begining from the damage morality it cause from the damage of values the religion who has been teaching a long time ago since our kid and so many free sex who from the religion side very don’t be doing
The most effect for cultural with improvement of information technlogy right now is very big.from the begining of changes a proggres or changes a reggres.Example ,the proggres effect in the our life:Use to be people using letter for communication,now peope less use letter.And people using handphone is easier,faster,and also practice than letter who take a long time to get it.
Example,a changes of reggres in the our life everyday:Many people very easy to access internet and use to badly several people to open pornography sites is not for look.Effect the effect is very big which is the moral damage of values the religion who has been teaching a long time ago since our kid and so many free sex who from the religion side very don’t be doing
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